Webinar Series: Tools for our Safety and Protection
Session One
On September 17, 2020, we held Part 1 of the webinar series to introduce the conceptual framework for the Community Security Measures and a Comprehensive Feminist Approach to Protection for Human Rights Defenders developed by partners ProDESC and Consorcio Oaxaca. If you missed the webinar, you can catch up with the graphic notes and presentations below. The panel featured powerful voices representing different dimensions of the issue:
Sessions Two & Three
Session 2 Materials
On February 16, 2021, we gathered to discuss the importance of human rights monitoring and techniques for managing the stress, anxiety and burnout that comes from the difficult conditions that human rights defenders face in their work. The feminist, intersectional approach emphasizes that the ways in which our multiple identities - gender, race, class, sexual orientation, ability, etc - determine the kinds of dangers we face and the impact that these conditions have for our well-being and sustainability. Consorcio Oaxaca and ProDESC provided resources for practicing both self-care (reflexology, acupressure, aromatherapy) and human rights monitoring/community safety in different contexts.
Session 3 Materials
On April 13, 2021, we held our 3rd session to present the Risk Analysis Tool and talk about the feminist and intersectional approach to comprehensive protection for human rights defenders. It was a rich session, including a participatory activity to apply the risk analysis to a hypothetical scenario. There were inputs from Guatemala to Argentina to Indonesia, leaving us all with a greater curiosity and interest in sharing further about the diverse conditions under which human rights defenders are working and how we can support one another.
Materials in English:
Consorcio Oaxaca Manual on Comprehensive Protection Plans
Materiales en Español:
Manual de Consorcio Oaxaca sobre Planes Integrales de Proteccion con Enfoque Feminista
Matériaux en Français:
Manuel du Consortium Oaxaca sur les plans de protection intégrals avec une approche féministe
Materiais em Português: