Movement Law Lab’s Director of Movement Partnerships Joey Mogul and Associate Director Ruby-Beth Buitekant joined with scores of lawyers and legal workers to provide legal support to thousands of protestors who demonstrated at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago August 2024.
When building organizing campaigns, we often focus on mapping power within particular state or local bounds in the United States — that is to say, our analysis of political decision-making, the interests at stake, flows of capital, the applicable law and forums for action rarely goes beyond the U.S.
We are inviting you to bravely step into an arc of work upon which all of our other work depends. At a minimum, each of us must deepen the connections between the work we’re already doing and the collective task of defending, building and strengthening a multiracial democracy.
Lawyers must be prepared to help defend the terrain on which we organize, stop the criminalization of protest, and help build ecosystem-wide approaches to safety and security.